職場健康文宣 - 資訊分享 – 113年度臺北市諮商心理師公會主辦民眾心理健康講座

報名連結: 臺北市諮商心理師公會 https://www.twtcpa.org.tw/ >>民眾心理健康講座報名
主辦單位: 臺北市諮商心理師公會
注意事項: 1.此為公益活動,民眾皆可免費參與。
Mental Health Seminar Information Sharing: Faculty and staff interested in participating can register independently.
Registration link: Taipei Counseling Psychologists Association https://www.twtcpa.org.tw/ >> Public Mental Health Seminar Registration
Organizer: Taipei Counseling Psychologists Association
1. This is a public welfare event, and it is free for all to attend.
2. The seminars are divided into online and in-person formats. The online platform is Zoom, and the location for in-person sessions can be found in the table provided.
3. For any changes to the seminar information, please refer to the announcements on the website of the Taipei Counseling Psychologists Association.
4. All speakers are licensed counseling psychologists holding certificates from the Ministry of Health and Welfare and licenses issued by the Health Bureau.